Saturday 31 January 2015

ICELAND GULL and RING-BILLED GULL, Nimmo's Pier, Galway, Ireland, 25/1/2015

Day 3 of our ''IRELAND for GULLS'' Trip, 23rd, 24th and 25th January, 2015

We arrive at Nimmo's Pier about 09.00 hours.

There is an Iceland Gull close in near the slipway !

and a bit of unexpected light ! ! !

Iceland Gull, juv / 1st winter

After only 15 mins, the Iceland Gull flew off, distant, on a mission !

Returning again late afternoon, this time only a 5 minute visit !

shortly after the Iceland Gulls first departure, a 1st winter Ring-billed Gull flew in !

Ring-billed Gull, 1st winter

14..00 hours a 2nd winter Ring-billed Gull came on the scene

Ring-billed Gull, 2nd winter

Ring-billed Gull, 2nd winter (taken yesterday at River Lees, Cork)

Ring-billed Gull, adult winter at Nimmo's Pier

16.30 hours, DAY OVER ! !
We head for Shannon Airport, 21.00 hours flight departs for Stansted.
I dropped Mick off at Dartford 15 minutes after midnight !

A stunning 3 Day '''GULL TRIP'''

Thursday 29 January 2015

LAUGHING GULL, 2nd winter, Ballycotton, Ireland, 24/1/2015

Day 2 of our ''IRELAND for GULLS'' Trip, 23rd, 24th and 25th January, 2015

First light, we are heading towards Ballycotton, some 20 miles out of Cork.

On route, we check out the 'Atlantic Pond',  Ballintemple, located in a park alongside a quayside of the River Lee.

it's an afternoon site for photography, we waste no time and continue our way to Ballycotton Pier.

09.00hours, we arrive Ballycotton Pier,  the Laughing Gull is the first bird seen, sitting on a rail, on the opposite side harbour wall, light is good ! ! !

Laughing Gull, 2nd winter

12.30 hours, the tide is going out, the sun is now from the south and a bit harsh,
the LG is more distant with it's flyby's ! !    No good for any more photography.

We head back towards Cork, for an afternoon visit to the 'Atlantic Pond',  Ballintemple

Here we had excellent views of an Ring-billed Gull.
Images with follow in a future Post.

Weather forecast for tomorrow not good, 16.00 hours we head North for a night at Galway, 19.30 hours, Travel Lodge, eat, sleep ! !

Tomorrow, we will be at Nimmo's Pier !

Wednesday 28 January 2015

RING-BILLED GULL, Nimmo's Pier, Galway, Ireland, 23/1/2015

Day 1 of our ''IRELAND for GULLS'' Trip, 23rd, 24th and 25th January, 2015

Friday 23rd January, I picked Mick up at Dartford, 05.30 hours.
Stansted Airport, full English breakfast, board Ryanair to Shannon, Ireland,
pick up hire car.

11.30 hours, we are checking the Gulls on a slipway in Limerick ! ! !

Iceland Gull, juvenile  (this Gull did not look healthy, note matted feathers under rump)

Lesser Black-backed Gull, adult

Black-headed Gull, 1st winter

12.15 hours we head north to Galway

arrive 14.30 hours, Nimmo's Pier

Ring-billed Gull, adult winter

I spent a bit of time with the Common Gulls

Black-headed Gull, adult

Black-headed Gull, 1st winter

16.30 hours, the light has failed, time to make decision as for tomorrow ! ! !

Weather forecast for Cork tomorrow is good !

There is a Laughing Gull at Ballycotton Harbour.

20.00 hours, we arrive Travel Lodge, Cork, eat in adjoining Restaurant,
In bed by 22.00 hours.


I have put up here all the images I took over this superb 3 day Trip.
Check the last 3 images if you are not bored by then ! ! !

Laughing Gull and Ring-billed Gull will be in next post

Herring Gull 1st winter

Pied Wagtail


Lesser Black-backed Gull, adult winter


Grey Heron

Hooded Crow

Some ''crazy dude'' over there, getting down low, to a Black-headed Gull

Intense photography !      ''eye to eye stuff''

''bang to rights''