Monday 26 September 2016

CASPIAN GULL, 1st winter at Dungeness, 24/9/2016

Dungeness, by the fishing boats, 15.00 - 18.30 hours, 24/9/2016

c17.30 hours, in failing light, Mick picks out this stunning 1st winter Caspian Gull.

Caspian Gull, 1st winter and Mick, (he finds all the Caspian Gulls, I take photo's) ! ! ! ! ! !

Caspian Gull, 1st winter

From earlier in the day, when the light was good !

Lesser Black-backed Gull, juvenile

Lesser Black-backed Gull, adult

Common Gull, 1st winter

Monday 12 September 2016

Dungeness, 11/9/2016

Dungeness, by the fishing boats, Sunday 11th September, 2016

Mediterranean Gull, juvenile

Yellow-legged Gull, 1st winter

Kittiwake, 1st winter

Lesser Black-backed Gull, juvenile

Yellow-legged Gull, 1st winter

Great Skua

Artic Skua, one of 3 west chasing Terns

Black-headed Gull, 1st winter

Monday 5 September 2016

CASPIAN GULL, juvenile and Gulls at Dungeness, 3rd & 4th September, 2016

Dungeness, by the fishing boats, 3rd & 4th September, 2016

Saturday, 3rd September,

Mick and myself only today ! !

c16.00 hours Mick picks up on a Caspian as it flew in ! Immediately recognizing this as the bird he found (briefly) on 28th August and again on 29th.

3 Yellow-legged Gulls and this 'not an in your face' Caspian made a very difficult ID day in the field for me !    I hope I have got my photo ID correct !

Caspian Gull, juvenile

Mick on a Caspian ! ! !

Great Black-backed Gull, adult, Yellow ring: 5AA1

Yellow-legged Gull, 1st winter

Herring Gull, 1st winter


Sunday, 5th September

Today we was joined by RB and DW,
No CASPIANS but an interesting day with ring numbers and LBBG's,
Light no good for flight photography !

Lesser Black-backed Gull, juvenile, Yellow ring R3

Lesser Black-backed Gull, adult, Thames ring:  H5CT

Great Black-backed Gull, Black ring JC046

Yellow-legged Gull, adult

Lesser Black-backed Gull, juvenile

Thursday 1 September 2016

CASPIAN GULLS & YLG at Dungeness, 29/8/2016

Dungeness, by the fishing boats, 15.00 hours - 19.00 hours, 29/8/2016

Mark C joined us for the day

a Yellow-legged Gull, 1st winter was first on the scene

c16.10 hours ''AGAIN'' Mick Southcott picks out a Caspian Gull as it flies in to join the gull gathering.

Caspian Gull, 1st winter

A 15 minute photo session completed, the Caspian settled on the beach, we took our eyes off it for a moment (gimping), it disappeared not to be seen again today !

18.00 hours Mick picks up on a 2nd Caspian Gull ! ! ! !

Caspian Gull, juvenile