Monday 15 May 2017

Crossness & Elmley, Kent, 14th May, 2017

Crossness, 13.00 hours - 15.00 hours

We checked out Crossness for a couple of hours hoping we may find the Bonaparte's Gull, 2nd cy reported seen in the morning on the other side of the river at Creekmouth. (PH)
No Bonaparte's !

Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3rd cy.

Lesser Black-backed Gull, adult, Red ring:  NB8.T

Mediterranean Gull, 2nd cy.


c 16.30 hours - 19.00 hours,
the Elmley track, Isle of Sheppey

Red-legged Partridge




Marsh Harrier

Yellow Wagtail


19.30 hours - 20.30 hours, Harty Ferry, Isle of Sheppey.

No Owls seen !

Yellow Wagtail

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