Sunday, 25 September 2011

Algarve, Portugal, Sunday 18th September, 2011

Day 8.     Our Final Day.

It was decided to give the Alentejo Region a second look, it was so good first time !

Again we explored an area between Mertola and Castro Verde, taking the 122 northwards, turning onto the 123, taking all roads, lanes and tracks to every village on the left hand side off this road. 

We turned onto the 123 some 15 minutes after daybreak, first lay by on the right, found us back in the 'raptor' area

first sighting is a big eagle, is it Golden or Spanish Imperial ?

then further sightings of

Booted Eagle, 1
Griffin Vulture
Kestrel, lots
Common Buzzard

Golden or Spanish Imperial Eagle ?

then the big eagle again, photo, later identified by Georg, thanks

Spanish Imperial Eagle, 3rd or 4th year
Spanish Imperial Eagle, 3rd or 4th year

Spanish Imperial Eagle, 3rd or 4th year

Tawny Pipit
Raven, 2

The same tracks and roads were covered as our day 4 trip.
We stopped again in Castro Verde for refreshment, not so grand this time, the bus terminus cafe
Noted from this cafe was a view of a building with about 10 large paintings, poster style, of  local 'Steppe' birds on its wall. Top quality, really did look good.

Back on the grassland area, 16.30 hours, M.S. sees a Sandgrouse !
Scanning the hill, we see 12 Sandgrouse then we see there is 20

Black-bellied Sandgrouse, 20
Tawny Pipit
Crested Lark
Northern Wheatear

Thekla Lark

Northern Wheatear

Black-bellied Sandgrouse

Something different today,

18.00 hours, WE STOP, we put all our gear away, cameras, binoculars, the lot.    FINISH.  Packed in the middle of the grasslands of Alentejo !

M.S. drives to Faro Airport. Return car hire. Baggage booked in. Coffee and a Roll x 3  =  30 Euros. That was more expensive than the 'top class' restaurant we found in Castro Verde, where the patron treated us like kings, with best large steak and salad and at least 10 cups of strong coffee for M.S. and myself and a gallon of water for Kevin  =   25 Euros

22.40 hours flight departs to Gatwick, train, taxi, home in South London at 03.30 hours.

Big Thank you's to

M.S. for all your driving, (1500 miles + and a bit of 'off-roading' !).
M.S. (eyes) and Kevin (ears) for all the 'mentoring', (i need their help, big time !)
Mr. Frederico Morais and wife, thank you for your company on the two Pelagics.

Mr. Georg Schreier, thanks Georg for organizing the Pelagics, also your total enthusiasm which contributed so much to the huge sucsess that we had visiting Portugal

Alberto and Daniel, skipper and crew, marine biologists.

Summary of the week

Day 1.                32 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 2.                34 species seen, 6 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 3.                28 species seen, 8 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 4.                  9 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 5.                11 species seen, 2 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 6.                 2 species seen, 0 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 7.               10 species seen, 4 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 8.                1 species seen, 1 new species for me to add to my European list.

Total birds seen by me in Portugal  =  127 SPECIES

35 new bird species new to my European List.

100*  /  100*    for the ALGARVE, PORTUGAL

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Algarve, Portugal, Saturday 17th September, 2011

Day 7.

The plan is to start the day with a visit inland to Mochique, Foia, the highest peak in the Algarve, fortunately you can drive to the top !
Then to finish the day, back at Quinto de Lago.

Dawn sees us at the Serra de Mochique, half way up to Foia, we stop to explore lanes and tracks looking for 'Crested Tit' !

Blue sky as usual, another hot day coming

Robin, (first one !)
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Azure-winged Magpie
Grey Wagtail, heard

We move on to the top, Foia,

Dartford Warbler, 4 +
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush
Willow Warbler
Northern Wheatear
** Rock Bunting **, another star bird

Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush

Rock Bunting

Rock Bunting

Lots of people arrive, it is a tourist place so we descend to stop halfway down and have early lunch.
Quick lunch, move a bit and stop at the next lay bye to wander down a track that leads through mixed Cork Oak and Pine trees with scrub around.

10 minutes and Kevin 'hears a Crested Tit', a bit of waiting and watching, then we see

Crested Tit, 2         'a big first for me'

Crested Tit

Crested Tit

It was obvious that we would only get record photos, the Crested Tit stayed high in dense trees, but a 'top tick'.

So we moved on.

After leaving Monchique, we took a detour to the Odelouca Valley, not much seen, not close, we kept moving onto Quinto de Lago again for the last couple of hours of the day. We now know the short cuts and the easy ways !

by and on the golf course

Waxbill, 6 +
Crested Lark
Weaver, 4




The reed bed and scrub had all the usual

Sunset brings close to another day !

Day 1.                32 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 2.                34 species seen, 6 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 3.                28 species seen, 8 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 4.                  9 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 5.                11 species seen, 2 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 6.                 2 species seen, 0 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 7.                10 species seen, 4 new species for me to add to my European list.

Algarve, Portugal, Friday 16th September, 2011

Day 6.

Portimao.    The 7/8 hour Pelagic.  The big day for Petrels up close, we hope !
                   and to finish the day off, a visit to Salgados Lagoons.

Dawn brings a blue sky and no wind, perfect conditions.

07.30 hours, we meet up with Georg, our guide who has planned this event.

Also we meet up with Frederico and his lady who we met on the last pelagic.
Also in the company will be another photographer.

This Pelagic is on board a catamaran, we will go out for some 10 miles + , passing working trawlers, then 'chumming' to attract Petrels.

We meet with Alberto and Daniel, skipper and crew, marine biologists.

Set out to sea by outboard engine, no wind for sailing, more calm sea, hopefully for better photography !

Catamaran,  excellent ! luxury !
This is what I have come for 'Petrels'

Soon out of Portimao we start seeing birds

Two flocks, first c100 Petrels, second c70 Petrels, distant

Cory's Shearwater, close
Great Shearwater
Balearic Shearwater
Great Skua, 1

Wilson's Storm-petrels, several, never close
European Storm-petrels, several, never close

Sandwich Tern, 2
Common Tern, 1

Cory's Shearwater

Cory's Shearwater

Corys Shearwater


Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Georg, brilliant, detail information on everything.
Crew, excellent, a constant source of information.

10.34 hours, about 12 miles out,
285 / 300 metres depth of water, (1000 feet approx)
Sea temperature 18.1 * C
Air Temperature 27* C (and getting hotter)
Clear blue sky, easy calm.

Daniel starts 'chumming'

Alberto brings round 'Tea and sandwiches', this is luxury, bird watching at its best !

Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Great Shearwater

The Petrels fly in, feeding distant at first, then, closer and closer to our catamaran, the photo 'chase' is on.

This is the hard bit, trying to get it right, moving boat, moving sea, flying bird the size of a house martin and just as fast !

Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
                            Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
Wilson's Storm-petrel
European Storm-petrel

European Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Wilson's Storm-petrel

Time goes by very quickly, so much action, so much to take in.

Back on shore to soon !           Success rating for this trip =  100 / 100          First Class, not to be missed.

A big 'Obrigado' here to Alberto and Daniel for this splendid trip.

Coffee with Georg and Frederico, plans made that all of us would go to visit the Salgados Lagoons.
We followed Georg to this site, this saved a lot of time of the finding our way on our own !

Greater Flamingo, 100's
White Stork, 9
Little Egret
Little Tern
Purple Swamphen, 3

Artic Tern, juv, flew over

Cattle Egret, 40 + came in to roost
Glossy Ibis, 35 + came in to roost

Crested Lark
Fantail Warbler
Red-legged Partridge
Bluethroat, a poor 3 second glimpse !

 Greater Flamingo

                            Greater Flamingo

 Greater Flamingo

Greater Flamingo

                            Greater Flamingo

 Purple Swamphen

                             Purple Swamphen

Purple Swamphen

A small detour led by Frederico to show us where he regularly sees Crested Tit. ''Only at 08.30 hours'', he says. It is now dusk, no Crested Tit.

At this point it was goodbye to Frederico and George.
On behalf of all three of us, 'a big thanks' for your superb company.


Day 1.                32 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 2.                34 species seen, 6 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 3.                28 species seen, 8 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 4.                  9 species seen, 7 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 5.                11 species seen, 2 new species for me to add to my European list.

Day 6.                 2 species seen, 0 new species for me to add to my European list.